(720) 778-7191

Tree Removal

Tree removal seen as a last resort in the management and care of trees. However, this is sometimes necessary for reasons related to safety, health, and landscape management. Certified arborists play a crucial role in this process, ensuring that removal is conducted safely and effectively. All done with consideration for the surrounding environment and compliance with local regulations.

The Role of Certified Arborists in Tree Removal

Certified arborists are professionals with specialized training in all aspects of arboriculture, including tree removal. As a result, they are equipped to handle complex removals. Some that may require a deep understanding of tree biology, advanced cutting techniques, and the use of specialized equipment. Their involvement typically includes:

  • Assessment and Decision Making: Arborists first assess the tree’s condition, considering factors such as disease, damage, and structural stability. They evaluate whether remediation options like pruning or treatment could resolve any issues without removal. If the removal is necessary, arborists develop a plan that addresses safety, timing, and the method of removal.
  • Planning and Logistics: The task of removing a tree can be complex. This can be especially true in urban or suburban areas where trees are close to buildings, power lines, or other sensitive structures. Certified arborists plan the removal process meticulously to minimize risk. This includes determining the direction of fall, the type of equipment needed, and securing any necessary permits.
  • Execution: The physical removal of the tree is performed with precision. Arborists use techniques such as felling, sectional removal, or crane-assisted removal, depending on the tree’s size and location. They ensure that each cut is strategic, managing how the tree segments are brought down carefully. This is all to avoid damage to property and ensure safety for everyone involved.
  • Disposal and Site Cleanup: After the tree is removed, the arborist oversees the cleanup of the site, including the removal of debris. They may also provide services such as stump grinding to leave the area clear and usable for future landscaping.
  • Post-Removal Consultation: Arborists often advise on replanting strategies to restore the landscape and offer guidance on suitable species that can replace the removed tree, considering local climate and soil conditions.

Reasons for Tree Removal

There are several reasons why tree removal might be necessary:

  • Safety: Trees that pose a risk to people, buildings, or infrastructure due to structural issues like leaning, decay, or damaged limbs may need to be removed if these risks cannot be mitigated by other means.
  • Health: Trees that are dead, dying, or diseased beyond the point of recovery can be a source of infection for other trees and may need to be removed to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Construction and Development: Trees may need to be removed to clear space for new construction or infrastructure projects, especially if their preservation is incompatible with land use plans.
  • Aesthetic and Practical Landscaping Reasons: In some cases, trees are removed as part of a landscape redesign or because they are inappropriate for their current location in terms of size or species.

Challenges and Considerations

Tree removal, particularly of large or historic trees, can be controversial and emotional. Certified arborists must balance the ecological impact of removing a tree with the needs and safety of the community. They also face physical challenges, such as working at height, dealing with adverse weather conditions, and ensuring the safety of their team and the public.

Furthermore, legal and environmental considerations play a significant role. Many regions have strict regulations governing tree removal, requiring permits and adherence to specific practices to protect local ecosystems. Certified arborists are familiar with these regulations and can navigate the legal aspects of tree removal, ensuring compliance and reducing liability for property owners.


Removal of trees are a significant aspect of arboricultural practice, requiring skilled judgment and technical expertise. Certified arborists are invaluable in this process. They ensure that tree removal is performed safely, efficiently, and ethically. Their expertise helps manage the risks associated with removing trees. They also consider the health of the broader landscape and ecosystem. By engaging a certified arborist, property owners can ensure that tree removal decisions are made with a high level of professionalism and environmental stewardship.